Defense Grid: The Awakening

Lançado em 8 de Dezembro de 2008
Hidden Path Entertainment
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Lançado em 8 de Dezembro de 2008 (Todas Datas)
Perspectiva: Isometrico
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A tower defense game where you have to defend Power Cores from being stolen. Tower construction is limited to specified platforms on where you can place 1 out of 10 diffrent upgradeable towers. Towers can not be destroyed by the enemies. Tower placement is key to progress in this game as they each have pros and cons. During the game you battle a variety of 15 diffrent Insectoid enemies with various abilitys to handle such as stealth, speed, armor and shields etc. The invaders can carry 1-3...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Defense Grid: The Awakening

