Vampyr - The Hunters Heirlooms

Lançado em 4 de Junho de 2018
Dontnod Entertainment
Vampyr - The Hunters Heirlooms
Lançado em 4 de Junho de 2018 (Todas Datas)
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Expand your game experience with the “Hunters Heirlooms” DLC granting you access to the two following weapons from famous past hunters:

Dragonbane, the sword of Paulinus Aurelianus, mythical founder of the Brotherhood of Saint Paul Stole, known as a dragon hunter
Barker, the pistol of Carl Eldritch, second leader of the Guard of Priwen - who has taken an oath to hunt down every last vampire

The DLC also includes a dark physician suit, perfect for a vampire doctor who must travel...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Vampyr - The Hunters Heirlooms

