Shift DX

Lançado em 12 de Janeiro de 2017
Shift DX
Título: Shift DX
Lançado em 12 de Janeiro de 2017 (Todas Datas)
Plataformas: Nintendo 3DS
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Shift DX marks the return of the classic Shift series. The game will feature all of the levels contained in Shift 1 and 2, along with 100 all-new levels designed specially for this release.\r
Many have tried to emulate the gameplay of Shift since its first release in 2008, but none have managed to capture the frantic, mind-bending nature of the series. Players are tasked with making their way through a series of perplexing rooms, equipped with nothing more than their ability to “shift” the...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Shift DX

