Wild Arms 3

Lançado em 14 de Março de 2002
Wild Arms 3
Título: Wild Arms 3
Sinônimos: ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード (Japanese title), Wild Arms Advanced 3rd (Japanese title), 荒野兵器3 (Chinese title)
Lançado em 14 de Março de 2002 (Todas Datas)
Temas: Fantasia
Perspectiva: Terceira Pessoa
Classificação Indicativa: Jovens (T)
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The first two games in the Wild Arms series garnered attention and acclaim as they brought classic console role-playing to the original PlayStation. Though crafted in the same story-telling spirit, Wild Arms 3 (titled Wild Arms Advanced 3rd in Japan) boasts major technological improvements and a number of new gameplay elements. Featuring stroke-shaded animation-style graphics, a Wild West setting, and a completely 3D game engine (not just for battles, as in the previous games), Wild Arms...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Wild Arms 3