The Legend of Kage

Lançado em 1 de Outubro de 1985
The Legend of Kage
Sinônimos: Kage no Densetsu (影の伝説), 影子传说 (Chinese title), Kage no Densetsu
Lançado em 1 de Outubro de 1985 (Todas Datas)
Temas: Ação
Perspectiva: Vista lateral
Classificação Indicativa: Todos (E)


The Legend of Kage (影の伝説; Kage no Densetsu) is a 1985 arcade game by Taito and was released for several contemporary video game home systems in 1986.

The player is armed with a kodachi shortsword and an unlimited amount of shuriken. Grabbing a crystal ball causes the player character's Kage's clothes to change to the next level in colour and thereby attain certain powers (bigger shuriken and/or faster speed); if Kage is hit while in green or orange clothes, he does not die but revert to...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para The Legend of Kage

