Danger Zone

Lançado em 30 de Maio de 2017
Three Fields Entertainment
Danger Zone
Título: Danger Zone
Lançado em 30 de Maio de 2017 (Todas Datas)
Gêneros: Indie, Corridas
Temas: Ação
Perspectiva: Terceira Pessoa
Classificação Indicativa: PEGI 7, Todos 10+ (E10+)
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Danger Zone is an all new 3D vehicular destruction game, a genre we know well. The concept is simple : crash for cash by creating the biggest car crash.

The Danger Zone is a virtual Crash Testing Facility where players step into the shoes of a dangerous driver and are challenged to survive a variety of spectacular crash testing scenarios.

It’s easy to crash, but can you also grab all of the Bonus Pickups?

Powered by Unreal Engine, Danger Zone combines real physical crashes with...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Danger Zone





Slide https://i.imgur.com/mmwt5Vx.jpg;;;https://i.imgur.com/w7zEFJt.jpg;;;https://i.imgur.com/dfEYqwf.jpg;;;https://i.imgur.com/EZzSoyL.jpg;;;https://i.imgur.com/26rifoI.jpg