Spider-Man (2000) | PS1 Walkthrough | Intro + Part #01: Get To The Bank!

#GamePlay Publicado por Guilherme, em



A supposedly reformed Dr. Otto Octavius is holding a scientific demonstration at Science Expo 2000, but is interrupted when an impostor Spider-Man attacks the crew and steals his equipment. Eddie Brock tries to take pictures for the Daily Bugle, but the impostor shatters his camera. In rage, the Venom symbiote resurfaces inside Brock, and he vows revenge against Spider-Man. Meanwhile, the real Spider-Man, who witnessed the incident, is held responsible for the theft, and the police ensue a manhunt for him. Elsewhere, two unseen figures release some fog from their hidden base into the city, which quickly covers the streets.

Mission #01: Get to the Bank!

Mission #02: Bank Approach

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Guilherme #Joker_Master
Usuário do Site, Luis Eduardo Magalhães/BA
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