Donkey Kong Country (1994) | SNES Gameplay | World #03: Vine Valley

#GamePlay Publicado por Guilherme, em


This is just a simple walkthrough, not the 101%.


Donkey Kong Country is a reboot of the Donkey Kong franchise, set long after the events of Donkey Kong (1981) and Donkey Kong Jr. (1982). The original Donkey Kong grows old, moves to Donkey Kong Island, and takes on the moniker Cranky Kong, passing the "Donkey Kong" mantle down to his grandson. One night, the Kremlings, led by King K. Rool, invade Donkey Kong Island and steal the Kongs' hoard of bananas. Donkey, alongside his nephew Diddy, sets out on a journey to reclaim the banana hoard and defeat the Kremlings.

World #03: Vine Valley


13. Vulture Culture

14. Tree Top Town

15. Forest Frenzy

16. Temple Tempest

17. Orang-utan Gang

18. Clam City

19. Bumble B. Rumble (Boss Fight)

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