Ford Racing 3 | Movie Car Chases | Round 1 | Mustang '68

#GamePlay Publicado por Nosdrähcir, em


Ford Racing (2004):

Carro (Car): Mustang '68;

Pista (Track): Mountain Drive;

Evento (Event): Movie Car Chases - Round 1;

Data (Date): 15/07/2020;

Ford Racing 3 apresenta 55 veículos classificados em 5 grupos de corrida diferentes: Vintage, Clássico, Performance, Moderno e Off-Road.

Em cada perfil, no início haverá apenas um carro os outros carros precisarão ser desbloqueados nos Ford Challenges ou Ford Competitions.

O jogo também apresenta os dois primeiros carros Ford fabricados; o Ford Model T Sedan de 1923 e o Ford Model A Roadster de 1931.

O jogo tem 26 pistas diferentes em cinco categorias. Cada categoria possui três pistas originais e uma versão reversa de cada pista, exceto as pistas que possuem apenas "Oval" e "Racetrack".

Ford Racing 3 features 55 vehicles classified in 5 different racing groups: Vintage, Classic, Performance, Modern and Off-Road.

In each profile, at the beginning there will be only one car, the other cars will need to be unlocked in the Ford Challenges or Ford Competitions.

The game also features the first two Ford cars manufactured; the 1923 Ford Model T Sedan and the 1931 Ford Model A Roadster.

The game has 26 different tracks in five categories. Each category has three original tracks and a reverse version of each track, except for tracks that have only "Oval" and "Racetrack".

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