Hellsinker 100% Full Sequence Order (english Patch V1.1)

#Gameplays Publicado por Ahrun, em


Available in 60fps! This is the game HELLSINKER with an English Patch from http://mauve.mizuumi.net/2012/06/01/retrospective-hellsinker-translation-development/ My 100% Full Sequence Order play-through including the TLB. Uploaded from live stream.

Character: Fossilmaiden

00:58 SEGMENT 1: War Relics Outskirts (LEAD)

03:20 Fake Rex Cavalier

04:37 SEGMENT 2: Ruined Castle (LEAD)

06:50 Scarlet Queen

08:19 Scarlet Queen Spirit Kernel

08:48 SEGMENT 3: Ocean of Regret (LEAD)

12:27 SEGMENT 4: Underpath

15:33 Rusted Dragon

16:52 -------English Text: "Toward Segment 5"

17:41 SEGMENT 5: On The Medallion

20:11 Perpetual Calender (SOL SIDE)

20:40 Perpetual Calender: Summon 1

21:31 Perpetual Calender: Summon 2

22:40 Perpetual Calender: Summon 3

23:44 Perpetual Calender: Old Rose

27:30 -------English Text: "The (Shrine of Farewell) Rises"


28:35 SoF: Lost One - Temperament Nil

29:47 SoF: Great Impure - Al4th

30:37 SoF: Nine Lives

31:25 SoF: Million Lives

32:24 SoF: Secret Boss, appeared for the remaining last second

32:50 -------English Text: "Fall of the Shrine"

33:37 -------English Text: "Toward Segment 6"

35:48 SEGMENT 6: Into Cardinal

40:31 Apostles of the Seed (Dusk and Dawn)

43:58 -------English Text: "Toward Segment 7"

44:22 SEGMENT 7: Past Risings Again

45:36 Rex-Cavalier

47:55 Rex-Cavalier Spirit Kernel

48:45 -------English Text: "Toward Segment 8"

49:16 SEGMENT 8: Last Dawn

52:36 "Now reaches the fatal attraction be described as "HELLSINKER""

52:55 Unnamed 290 (Last Boss)

56:14 Floccinaucinihilipilification ("Garland" System)

57:58 Lost Property 771 (True Last Boss)

High Score: 17,391sp

Really fun game.

Gamer #Ahrun
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