Zerando no modo Protótipo ~ Dificuldade Fácil

#Gameplays Publicado por Anônimo, em


So, Ikaruga came to Steam. It's good to see new Shmups in this platform, but if it's something made by Treasure, it's even better.

About Prototype game mode: basically they give you limited ammo which is consumed by normal shots and homing laser attacks. You replentish your ammo by absorbing enemy bullets and if you run out of ammo, you're stuck with a lame short-range attack. That's not a big drama when playing normal or hard mode since enemies return bullets when killed (which can be used to reload your ammo). However on easy, you have to do some dot eating from time to time

So far this game mode is not very popular (Awfully cheap boss battles, fewer scoring oportunities, etc). Despite my average performance I earned the top 1 spot on the leaderboards by default (02/22/14). I guess we need more challengers

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