FIRE - Trailer de lançamento

#Trailers Publicado por AlbertZero, em


FIRE is an cutest puzzleventure in the Stone Age setting. Without losing many words it tells a savagely hilarious story. Journey into the Stone Age and face the most challenging task of this era: The search for fire!

FIRE is now available on STEAM for $4.99 / £7.99/ €9.99 for PC & MAC! Download here:

This story's hero is the lovably chaotic Neanderthal Ungh who dozes off during his very first night watch. The next morning, the catastrophe ensues: the fire's gone out and Ungh is banished from his village. Now you have to help Ungh finding a new flame, searching every corner of the Stone Age world. No matter if he has to search the insides of a dinosaur, smouldering volcanoes or even through time itself, there is no place Ungh wouldn't look for new fire.

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Jedi Master
Jedi Master #AlbertZero

Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him.

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