Aproveitando o clima (pós-)halloween

#Gameplays Publicado por Anônimo, em


Player: iMakke

The requirements for Bloody Jitterbug are as follows:

? Play through the first 6 stages on Level 999 in any order. Lives can be lost in these stages, but you cannot use continues.

? Play through the Ice Palace, the Gorge, Hades' Castle and defeat Jitterbug without losing a life (Taking 0.5 damage is OK).

? Defeat Tyrannosatan without using a continue.

If all of these requirements are met, then Bloody Jitterbug will appear. This is the only way to obtain "The True Tyrant" achievement.

This is only the second TLB clear done on the EU version and it's absolutely flawless from start to finish.

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