Halflife 2 VS Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2/Black Op's

#Outros Publicado por limesektor, em


*Revised and Updated*

1. After some commenting purely blaming the faults on Treyarch I also added some Modern Warfare 2 examples demonstrating that Infinity Wards lack of innovation and general design incompetence.

2. Added some examples of AI comparison Including enemy AI interacting with friendly AI, unscripted.

3. Added a clip showing the a typical example of a closed off, on the rails, scripted Call Of Duty event in comparison to a similar self created situation, unscripted, real time and using physics.

Note: The AI in Halflife 2 can be blocked by objects, however, these objects are differentiated by weight. e.g. If an object is too heavy, the AI wont push it aside. If however, the object is light enough, the AI can push it to the side to proceed. The object will react to the AI with real time physics as the clip shows.

Halflife 2 is now a 6 year old game.

Alexandre #limesektor
, Nilópolis-RJ
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