The Witcher 2 - Tutorial 1-2 pt-BR ( Ultra with Ubersampling )

#Gameplays Publicado por WaffeSS, em


The Witcher 2

Tradução 100% Legendas e Vídeos

Game Setting's

- Game Setting's

Screen Resolution: 1280x720

Downscale textures factor: No downscale

Texture memory budget (MB) Very large

Quality of shadows: Ultra

Number of shadowed lights: Ultra

Mesh level of detail scale: Far

Bloom: Enabled

Light shafts: Enabled

Antialiasing: Enabled

Blur effects: Enabled

Depth of Field during gameplay: Enabled

Vignette: Enabled

Wet surfaces rain effect: Enabled

SSAO: Enabled

Motion blur: Enabled

Filmic Depth of Field: Enabled

Depth of Field during cutscenes: Enabled

Physical objets limite: Disabled

UberSampling: Enabled

Vertical sync: Enabled

Decals: Enabled

Guilherme #WaffeSS
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