Um momento trágico vivido por todos nós

#Gameplays Publicado por FelipeFR, em


A funny cutscene from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas shown for the mission Amphibious Assault if you don't mean the Lung Capaticty requirement. For those who don't know, Woozie, the asian guy, is blind. I love the way he laughs. =D

Update: Okay. Since I am sick and tired of these nimrods claiming it isn't a real cutscene just because they haven't seen it before, I am deleting each and every comment claiming it is fake.

Perhaps you morons should actually try it. Just get up to Woozie's missions with close to no Lung Capacity. Hell, don't even swim at all. Do that and you'll see it.

Felipe #FelipeFR

Felipe Fritsch ® Todos os direitos reservados. Ou não.

, Porto Alegre-RS
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