Rage On Hd5870 100% Sem Bugs

#Outros Publicado por the_navigator, em




1600x900 20" WideScreen


Processador PII x4 955 3.2

8GB Corsair XMS3 1333mhz Dual Channel


Gravando com Fraps ficou cravado em 60fps

fraps desligado 60pfs++

Meu arquivo de configuração


seta com_videoRam "1024" //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB

seta com_maxfps "120" //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire

seta image_anisotropy "8" //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8

seta image_usecompression 0

seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //filtering for light maps

seta image_preload "1" //Use preload images when ever possible

seta image_lodbias "-1" //LoD settings

seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1" //Sets up for using HQ gfx

seta image_ignoreLowQuality "0" //ignores the low textures

seta image_useCache "1" //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping

seta image_cacheMegs "125" //Cache size in Megabytes

seta image_cacheMinK "50" //Cache minimum size in kilobytes

seta r_swapInterval 1 //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled

seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing

seta r_shadowsHighQuality "1" //Fore High Quality shadows

seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame

seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options

seta r_multiSamples "32" //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling

seta r_useHBAO "1" //Ambient occlusion

seta r_useRenderThread "1" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering useful for newer cards to increase performance.

seta r_visDistMult "1"

seta r_useMotionBlur "1" //use blur

seta r_skipBump "0"

seta r_skipSpecular "0"

seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"

seta r_shadows "1"

seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"

seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"

seta vt_lodBias "-1" //LoD settings

//below is cache settings

seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"

seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"

seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"

seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"

seta fc_maxcachememoryMB "1024"

seta vt_maxPPF "16"

seta com_allowConsole "1"

seta com_skipIntroVideo "1"

seta cg_usecompression "0"

seta cg_useprecompressedtextures "0"


Só copiar e colar em um Notepad com o nome "rageconfig.cfg" e colar no diretorio Base da pasta principal do Game

, São Paulo
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