Lol...kk jogo engraçado

#Trailers Publicado por raillenoliveira, em


In the land of Zenozoik, the city of Halstedom is ruled by a powerful clan, one which Ghat has betrayed by committing a terrible sin. Now, Ghat's brothers and sisters are pursuing him and his companion Deadra through strange and twisted lands, beyond the boundaries of the sane to the ends of the world. What was Ghat's crime and why did he commit it? The bare-knuckled brawl to reach the truth has just begun.

Available May 5, 2010 on Xbox Live Arcade.

For more information, visit:

Raillen #raillenoliveira

Pra fazer diferença não basta ser diferente... De que modo eu mudo a história, com discurso ou com ação??

, Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais
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