Um Jogo Bom Esquecido Por Muitos

#Gameplays Publicado por Leandromacabro., em


Section 8 Gameplay (PC HD)

Section 8 is a first-person shooter developed by TimeGate Studios and published by SouthPeak Interactive. It utilizes the Unreal Engine 3 and was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360.[3] It was released on September 1 on the Xbox 360, and September 4 on the PC in North America and it will be released on September 11 in the UK, and Asia Pacific, and September 18 in the rest of Europe.[4]

Section 8 is a first-person shooter set in a futuristic universe. The players wear armor that covers their entire bodies and features shielding technology which is able to absorb damage.[5]

Players will be able to "burn-in" by dropping onto the battlefield from orbital dropships hovering at 15,000 feet from the surface, thus eliminating fixed spawn points.[6] Burning-in also creates the opportunity for the player to choose where they drop on the map, making the game unpredictable.[5] This process is an interactive experience as players can be shot down upon entry by players and anti-aircraft turrets alike, though these situations can be avoided or mitigated by using the "air-brake" feature which allows the player to make mid-air adjustments.[7]

Section 8 will include a single-player campaign mode that allows the player to proceed as a character named Alex Corde of the 8th Armored Infantry. Previews indicate that the single-player campaign will be objective-based.[6]

Players are able to choose their primary and secondary weapons, such as assault rifles, pistols, shotguns, and sniper rifles, as well as grenades, explosives, knives, mortar launchers and healing units.[5] The player is also able to create their own player class through various stackable modules that determine the player's speed, stealth, or the regeneration of the limited-use jetpack. Excessive damage endured by the player to certain parts of their body, such as their legs, arms, head, or chest, may disable or hinder the use of these enhancements.[7]

Players will be able to deploy a variety of vehicles and equipment, including heavy-armor suits, tanks,[6] turrets, supply depots, and sensor arrays. Some such devices must be "purchased" within the game using "Requisition Points".[5]

Dynamic Combat Missions (DCMs), a type of mini-game, can be activated mid-combat by the player,[5] and can reward the player with Requisition Points when completed successfully. Some DCMs will include protecting a convoy, destroying a bridge, or assassinating an enemy character.[6]

Leandro #Leandromacabro.

Esse site ja esta morto a anos.

, Suzano
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