Gta Iv - Double Stunt - [hd]

#Outros Publicado por HeRyKsTeR, em


Stunt video on GTA IV pc with a "Double T custom" imported of Lost and Damned (original handling) with sparkIV, all the stunts are possible with a double T custom original from TLAD. (I'm fan of this awesome motorbike ! but actualy i can't buy EFLC for my pc... I'm a casual "fun" gamer, not a cheater !)

- Double T custom Download link :

I hope you enfoy ! perhaps the first video of a serie ;-)

- Voice actor :

Salika & SkYn1X

- Intro actor :

Rock & me

Bonus music:

The clown from

Sorry for some laggy footages... my pc don't like GTA IV lol :p

Have FuN !!

ps: I forget the little traduction in the video...

, Barueri, Sao Paulo, Brasil
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