Medal of Honor 2010 - The MOH Experience Part 5

#Gameplays Publicado por PabloRafris, em


In this fifth installment, we show off the new multiplayer "Objective Raid" mode. In this mode, insurgents swarm across the map to sabotage two objectives (Alpha and Bravo) using explosives, while Coalition forces must stop them and defend their installations.

Here at EA, we want to make sure our fans know that we're listening. That's why we've created The MOH Experience, a series of single-player and multiplayer videos put together to show our audience what they can expect when Medal of Honor launches on October 12th.

Pablo #PabloRafris

?? Melhor ficar calado e deixar que os outros pensem que voce é um idiota , do que falar e eles terem certeza.

, São Paulo
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