Gta san Andreas como Assassin's Creed 2

#Outros Publicado por wagnerikki, em


Ezio (Test / Unfinished) download link :

This is quick video (in making process, but long in duration) about my GTA mods progress, especially Assassin's Creed mod in GTA. There are no stories related to each other in this video, only a few pieces of the action /animation scenes to accompany the song "Kerangka Langit" from Indonesian rock group, "Kaisar". And to show some GTA mods that i created recently ...

You still found my sholat animation in short scene. I change gang member's praying with empty hand to current weapons. Because the gang members sometime still hold cigar and bottle with empty hand, and this is not good. So better they pray with brass knuckle, than cigar in their hand. Off course, you still can get gang members praying with empty hand, if you recruit a spawned gang members without any weapons in it...

For characters, you can found Altair, Ezio, Final Fantasy characters (Tidus, Squall, Cloud, etc), Star wars characters (Darth Revan, Darth Vader), Solid Snake, until several animals like, Altair's white horse and Pluto (dog). I put Fenrir (Cloud's bike), horse carriage and modified F1 car too, to perform some action with those vehicles ..

The original Ezio Auditore model created by theRoadstroker for Oblivion mod. I only put Altair's head and convert it to GTA SA. But still not finished yet, need a lot of work to make it acceptable in GTA.

I modified some tricking animation by Tamyl / TaMan666, to work with gang members. You can find his amazing animation from here :


Fenrir (Cloud's bike) link :

wagner #wagnerikki
, Santa Isabel
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