Revelação oficial do Guitar Hero

#Outros Publicado por Pvxbest, em


An exclusive first look at Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock.

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock is the most rocking, immersive Guitar Hero gameplay experience that will inspire gamers and their friends to rock together. The game is the must-have, quintessential rock music collection that is breaking new ground with a set list of over 90 tracks from some of the biggest acts in all genres of rock and roll.

Delivering the quintessential rock music collection that focuses on guitar shredding hits from bands such as Black Sabbath and Slipknot and larger-than-life band anthems from the likes of Queen, players can unleash their inner rock warriors. Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock is available autumn 2010.

Paulo Victor
Paulo Victor #Pvxbest

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, Mogi Das Cruzes
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