Apreenda a instalar o WIndows Vista no Playstation 3

#Shows Publicado por rockmanzero, em


Get a Free Laptop, NO BS http://www.notebooks4free.com/default.aspx?r=1297681 Simply sign up for napster (cancel) , no CC needed, they take paypal, and simply get others to do the same It's a 100% PS3 based emulation of Microsoft Windows Vista. Its super slow, but it works. Song: Seether- The Gift Installed On Xubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 How To: -Install Qemu 0.9.1 -Use vlite to shrink a Vista Image, and apply the 256mb memory patch -Install Vista on your Computer using the vlite image with ...

Marcelo #rockmanzero


, São Paulo
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