L4D Cs_Office : More AI Director Action

#Gameplays Publicado por Anônimo, em


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Me playing cs_office in L4D. Sorry for the russian localization, it was the first place where I found the demo.

Short tutorial on how to get cs_office in L4D:

1) Get the latest NET Framework.

2) Get GCFScape.

3) Extract materials, models and maps from counter strike shared.gfc which is in steam/steamapps to your L4D demo folder in steamapps/common/left 4 dead demo/left4dead.

4) Do the same with source models.gfc and source materials.gfc.

5) Run L4D, Enable Developer Console in Options. Type changelevel cs_assault in console after you have started a new singleplayer game.

6)Enjoy playing on Cs_Office!

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