So Blonde (adventure, pc) trailer

#Outros Publicado por Christian Lima, em


eDome -

So Blonde (adventure, pc) trailer

Adventure - PC - dtp entertainment

It squeaks, squawks and screeches out of the speakers in finest low-bit sound quality! So Blonde, the latest comic adventure starring stunning blonde Sunny, is brought to you with the latest sound technology and audio output in the usual high dtp quality, but the game is also reminiscent of the TV console games of the '80s and '90s:

So Blonde is, and remains, a classic point'n'click adventure through and through, but the gameplay is cool and entertaining with ingenious, quick and fun mini-games that will bring back happy memories of those gaming days of yesteryear! And: All of these minigames are story-bound! Today, publisher dtp/ANACONDA is allowing us a preview of Sunny's mini-games:

Note: Although the emphasis is on skill in the mini-games, adventure fans have no fear! Each mini-game comes with an Instant Win Button; pressing a button allows the payer to win each mini-game instantly to progress in the main adventure.

The genuine TV console game feel is evident in Coconut Adventure, the first mini-game in So Blonde: Sunny has to collect water droplets in a coconut shell and the charm of this game shines through in just a few still LCD graphics.

The skill in Maria's Training features the "hot wire" principle; Sunny must complete the training course in record time.

Blonde Blonde Revolution is a musical game: In this simple game principle, as featured in various console music games, Sunny has to drum different rhythms to cure Chief Bajari's terrible headaches, brought on by his court musician. In fact, the wretched drummer only knows one tune which he plays over and over again. Blonde Blonde Revolution is really easy to master: a series of symbols are displayed with the rhythm which the player plays by pressing four cursor buttons.

In classic push-puzzle mode, Bucket Well challenges Sunny to obtain a bucket of water by pushing the correct icons in the right order.

Fireflies Catcher is a technically more advanced game, where nasty snakes want to stop Sunny collecting fireflies.

The retro feel returns with the Log Chopper, which is again reminiscent of the old TV console games.

Sunny Blonde didn't exactly want to land in the Bermudas; in fact the gorgeous 17 year-old was on a luxury cruise with her parents to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. But a raging storm plunged the ship into distress at sea, Sunny went overboard and she regained consciousness washed up on the beach like driftwood!

Much more problematic than her unintended stay on a totally unknown island, which she has no idea how she can ever leave, the horrible realisation dawns on Sunny that she will suddenly have to do without out all the luxuries of life: her mobile has no signal, her make-up is a mess and it looks like the nearest shopping mall is miles away... on foot! And if that wasn't enough, unfortunate circumstances have thrown Sunny back some one hundred years in time and she has ended up in a golden era of pirates and buccaneers!

Sunny Blonde is also in a really tricky situation and we are calling upon the PC gaming community to solve it in So Blonde! The person responsible for the novel plot is none other than the famous adventure author, Steve Ince ("Baphomets Curse").

So Blonde, developed by the French developers Wizarbox, promises a wacky story line, an (anti-)heroine as pretty as a picture, deeply black humour, which far outstrips all the blonde joke clichés, fabulous comic-strip graphics and a quite few gameplay surprises!

eDome -

Christian Lima
Christian Lima

Não Brigue, Lute!!

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