CryENGINE??? 2 Character Pipeline Advances for Next-Gen 1/3

#Outros Publicado por Faço.q.Posso, em


- Videos to accompany CDG 2007 slide presentation. -

14 - What is a character?

17 - A few runtime deformation types

21 - Simple 3 vector driver: shape

28 - Arbitrary drivers, using flowGraph to dump joint rotations to HUD text

30 - Arbitrary drivers, using math nodes to drive a chroma shift based on joint rotation

31 - Arbitrary drivers, using flowGraph to drive amount of water trickling down HUD by same joint rotation

(not shown in CDG presentation)

38 - Linear Blend Skinning vs Spherical Skinning

(volume preservation)

39 - In Game example of spherical skinning volume preservation

(flipping tentacle)

49 - Sculpting and extracting relative, pose driven morphs

50 - Simple pose driven morph example

Song: INI KAMOZE - Here come the hotstepper

This video on STAGE6:

This video on Gametrailers:

More video and info:

Source video:

Vinicius #Faço.q.Posso

FacO Q pOssO

, GuarulHos cIty
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