Momentos irritantes

#Outros Publicado por Anderkill, em


It's been eight years, I'm leaving them up until they hit me with 3 strikes, because waiting eight years to come after a non-partner for Mario mod mirrors since they purged Nico is pretty absurd.

Nintendo understands that its fans are the reason for its success, and we are always happy to see people share their passion for Nintendo's games. At the same time, Nintendo's intellectual property constitutes its most valuable assets, and the unauthorized use of these assets jeopardizes Nintendo's rights. Because of this, we ask that you please remove the video in question and any other game modification with such title as "Asshole Mario …"from your channel, and confirm that you will not post any videos of such game modification, distribute or continue work on the modification, or take any other steps that would infringe Nintendo's rights.

The end of it all.

Don't be sad though, there's always Asshole Mario 2!

Stage 12 at

Stage 1 at

Stage 1 of the sequel at

Original at

Player: R. Kiba

Creator: T. Takemoto

I merely hosted this!

, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brasil
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