
#Tópico Enviado por Murilo_Ferraz, sobre Star Trek: Legacy, em .

Keyboard ship controls


esc -------------- pause menu

1,2,3,4 ---------- select individual ship/ hold to add/ remove

5 ---------------- select all ships

tab -------------- tactical map

q ---------------- warp

w ---------------- pitch down (the inversion option can switch s and w for up/down)

e ---------------- energy distribution menu

r ---------------- repair menu

t ---------------- sub-system selection (sub-system targeting must be active)

shift + t -------- toggles sub-system targeting on and off

a ---------------- bank left

s ---------------- pitch up (the inversion option can switch s and w for up/down)

d ---------------- bank right

f ---------------- go to/ select target/ hold for radial menu

b ---------------- scoreboard

backspace --------- full stop/all ahead full

+ ---------------- increase impulse speed

- ---------------- decrease impulse speed

ctrl ------------- fire primary weapon

alt -------------- fire secondary weapon

arrow keys ------- free camera

spacebar --------- target nearest enemy/ hold for list

spacebar + s ----- change current target to closest target of current ship

spacebar + a ----- target nearest attacker

spacebar + d ----- clear target

spacebar + w ----- fire at will

c ---------------- bring up chat window

mouse controls


mouse movement --------- free camera

left mouse button ------ fire primary weapon

right mouse button ----- fire secondary weapon

middle mouse button ---- warp

mouse wheel ------------ throttle impulse speed up/down

spacebar + mouse wheel - toggle between possible targets

mouse controls on the tactical map


left mouse button ----- go to command

right mouse button ---- warp to command

mouse wheel ----------- zoom level

Enviado por Murilo_Ferraz,
Este tópico foi movido para o Fórum oficial!