Tales of Rebirth

Lançado em 16 de Dezembro de 2004
Namco Tales Studio
Tales of Rebirth
Sinônimos: テイルズ オブ リバース (Japanese title), 重生传说 (Chinese title)
Lançado em 16 de Dezembro de 2004 (Todas Datas)
Perspectiva: Terceira Pessoa
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Tales of Rebirth is set in a world where humans (called Huma) and beast people (Gajuma) coexist in relative peace. The world's magical power is called Force, which manifests in various people as control over an element or aspect of the physical laws. In ancient times, after a war sparked when Huma attempted to enslave Gajuma, both races joined forces to found the kingdom of Karegia. An unspecified time before the events of the game, Geyorkias, the ruler of a spirit race called the Sacred...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Tales of Rebirth


Slide https://i.imgur.com/Q9SVq5p.jpg