Save the Furries

Lançado em 21 de Junho de 2012
Smack Down Productions
Save the Furries
Lançado em 21 de Junho de 2012 (Todas Datas)
Plataformas: WiiWare, Computador
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Plunge into the world of the Furries, the simple-minded creatures who love to travel around strange planets. Help them survive the perils that await them on every planet! Are you up to the challenge of saving the Furries from the villainous Furax?

Furries are cute little green creatures who just love visiting strange planets. Unfortunately, Furries are not the most intelligent of critters. They like to spend their time wandering into deadly situations involving galactic creatures, giant...

Infelizmente ainda não possuímos uma sinopse em português para Save the Furries

