Top Japão | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 estreou com 64,000 unidades vendidas e PS4 ficou no topo

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Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 para PlayStation 4 vendeu 64,000 unidades durante sua semana de lançamento no Japão, os últimos dados da Media Create revelaram. O jogo foi o mais vendido da semana.

Dragon Quest Builders vendeu mais 103,000 unidades no PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 3 durante a semana, resultando em 478,000 unidades vendidas no total.

As vendas do PlayStation 4 continuaram altas com o lançamento de Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 e a ajuda de Dragon Quest Builders, deixando o console em primeiro lugar.


  1. [PS4] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (Bandai Namco, 02/04/16) - 64,446 (New)
  2. [PSV] Dragon Quest Builders (Square Enix, 01/28/16) - 46,391 (224,407)
  3. [PS4] Dragon Quest Builders (Square Enix, 01/28/16) - 37,784 (174,153)
  4. [PS3] Dragon Quest Builders (Square Enix, 01/28/16) - 19,151 (72,305)
  5. [Wii U] Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Nintendo, 01/28/16) - 17,856 (73,187)
  6. [3DS] Monster Hunter X (Capcom, 11/27/15) - 13,391 (2,674,914)
  7. [Wii U] Splatoon (Nintendo, 05/28/15) - 11,816 (1,240,225)
  8. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad (Level-5, 07/11/15) - 10,171 (2,193,737)
  9. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (SCE, 03/19/15) - 8,926 (651,150)
  10. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami (Sega, 01/21/16) - 8,046 (131,562)
  11. [3DS] Monster Strike (Mixi, 12/17/15) - 7,891 (787,645)
  12. [PS3] Yakuza: Kiwami (Sega, 01/21/16) - 7,243 (85,262)
  13. [3DS] Hyrule Warriors Legends (Koei Tecmo, 01/21/16) - 6,685 (76,338)
  14. [Wii U] Super Mario Maker (Nintendo, 09/10/15) - 6,134 (790,345)
  15. [PS4] Just Cause 3 (Square Enix, 01/21/16) - 4,414
  16. [PSV] Sangoku Rensenki: Omoide Gaeshi CS Edition (Prototype, 02/04/16) - 4,359 (New)
  17. [PS4] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (Koei Tecmo, 01/28/16) - 3,950 (24,051)
  18. [PS4] Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft, 12/10/15) - 3,868 (68,593)
  19. [3DS] Disney Magical World 2 (Bandai Namco, 11/05/15) - 3,659 (270,985)
  20. [PS3] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (Koei Tecmo, 01/28/16) - 3,528 (18,959)

  1. PlayStation 4 - 31,158 (32,557)
  2. 3DS - 27.544 (31.427)
  3. PlayStation Vita - 23,090 (45,114)
  4. Wii U - 3,939 (8,931)
  5. PlayStation 3 - 1,715 (1,993)
  6. Xbox One - 286 (92)
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