Soldat 1.6.8 está pronto, veja as mudanças

Enviado por andnick, em

Finalmente! A próxima versão do Soldat está pronto: Soldat 1.6.8!

A maioria das mudanças nesta versão são fixes, mas há mais!

Se você preferir não ver algumas notificações ingame, você pode modificar sua configuração para não recebe-las.

Alguns de vocês provavelmente já sabiam que em uma atualização vocês poderiam auto-completar nicknames no início da linha de chat com a tecla Tab.

Nesta versão, nós adicionamos o suporte para autocompletar nicknames em qualquer lugar na linha de chat. Além disso, agora você pode selecionar apelidos que começam com a mesma combinação de letras, ou mesmo sem digitar nada, apenas pressionando Tab!

Nós também temos algo para aqueles que gravam vídeos no Soldat: Freecam não vai mais tremer quando armas pesadas são disparadas.

Muitas correções relacionado a scriptcore foram enviadas para os nossos administradores e scripters e solucionados!

Eu gostaria de agradecer a toda a Dev Team por tornar esta versão possível. Grandes agradecimentos vão para ExHunter e skoskav por sua ajuda!

No caso de você estiver procurando o novo Soldat mod padrão, ela foi adiada e chegará em uma atualização do Soldat futura.

Se você que prefere que o atual mod ou quer nos ajudar a torná-lo melhor - dê uma olhada no feedback sobre o novo padrão de armas

Você pode encontrar os links para download no final deste post.

[spoiler=Lista de mudanças em inglês]

The changelogs:

Soldat 1.6.8 changelog:

- Modified command /votemap to show the message "cannot vote" when applicable

- Modified vote results to happen immediately if the required percentage is achieved

- Modified voice taunt menu key to also hide the menu

- Modified translations to not print empty lines in the chat console

- Modified freecam to not have the camera shake when heavy weapons are fired

- Modified the chat's nickname Tab-completion to cycle through names

- Modified the chat's nickname Tab-completion can be used without even typing anything, or with a substring in the middle of the nick

- Fixed health bar shows empty if health health exceeds limit #491

- Fixed ban on bots in singleplayer mode should return a kick message

- Fixed chat message displayed above the wrong player #417

- Fixed Player ID for team 0 displayed incorrectly #205

- Fixed the chat's nickname Tab-completion can complete a nickname mid-sentence

- Fixed knife colliding against position where someone had died #390

- Fixed some keys couldn't be assigned to the scroll wheel

- Fixed asymmetry in walking down slopes depending on facing direction and movement direction

- Fixed the character vibrating when standing still on flat polygons, which would trigger MovementAcc

- Fixed previous song playback on start being out of bounds

- Fixed the LAW's startup delay to be a bit less unreliable

- Fixed scoreboard not shown at the end of a demo playback when the map changed

- Fixed freecam key could be held down to make the cursor jerky

- Fixed rolling to quicker and less awkwardly transition into crouching

- Fixed throwing the flag could be difficult when close to polygons #166

- Fixed some possible memory leaks

- Fixed unable to get a ban reason in case of HWID ban #143

- Fixed server's possible cheating vote kicks no longer permanently ban players #246

- Fixed vote kick turning into a permanent ban #478

- Fixed kicking player when vote percentage is above 100% #522

- Fixed vote exploitable by leaving the game #204

Soldatserver 2.7.8 changelog:

- Added SC3 function StrToDateTime(const S: string): TDateTime;

- Added SC3 event TGame.OnTCPCommand(Ip: string; Port: Word; Command: string): Boolean;

- Added SC3 event TActivePlayer.OnKitPickup(Player: TActivePlayer; Kit: TActiveMapObject)

- Added SC3 event TActivePlayer.OnFlagDrop(Player: TActivePlayer; Flag: TActiveFlag; Team: Byte; Thrown: Boolean)

- Added SC3 procedure TActivePlayer.WorldText(Layer: Byte; Text: string; Delay: Integer; Color: Longint; Scale, X, Y: Single)

- Added SC3 procedure TPlayers.WorldText(Layer: Byte; Text: string; Delay: Integer; Color: Longint; Scale, X, Y: Single)

- Added SC3 procedure TGame.TOnAdminConnect(Ip: string; Port: Word)

- Added SC3 procedure TGame.TOnAdminDisconnect(Ip: string; Port: Word)

- Added SC3 procedure TActivePlayer.SetVelocity(VelX, VelY: Single)

- Added SC3 function TGame.TOnAdminCommand(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): boolean

- Added SC3 function TGame.TOnTCPMessage(Ip: string; Port: Word; Text: string): boolean

- Added SC3 function TMap.CreateBulletVector(A, B: TVector; HitM: Single; sStyle: Byte; Owner: TActivePlayer): Integer

- Added SC3 function TMap.CreateBullet(X, Y, VelX, VelY, HitM_ Single; sStyle: Byte; Owner: TActivePlayer): Integer

- Added SC3 function Distance(X1, X2, Y1, Y2: Single): Single

- Added SC3 property TActivePlayer.IsAdmin (read write - Boolean)

- Added SC3 property TGame.CurrentMap (read only - string)

- Added SC3 class TMapsList (accessible over global variable "Game.MapsList")

- Added SC3 procedure TMapsList.AddMap(Name: string)

- Added SC3 procedure TMapsList.RemoveMap(Name: string)

- Added SC3 function TMapsList.GetMapIdByName(Name: string): Integer

- Added SC3 property TMapsList.Map (read only - array of string)

- Added SC3 property TMapsList.CurrentMapId (read write - Integer)

- Added SC3 property TMapsList.MapsCount (read only - Integer)

- Added SC3 class TGlobal (accessible over global variable "Global")

- Added SC3 property TGlobal.DateSeparator (read write - string)

- Added SC3 property TGlobal.ShortDateFormat (read write - string)

- Added SC3 class TActiveMapBullet (accessible over global Byte array "Map.Bullets")

- Added SC3 function TActiveMapBullet.GetOwnerWeaponId: Integer

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.ID (read only - Byte)

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.Active (read only - Boolean)

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.X (read only - Single)

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.Y (read only - Single)

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.VelX (read only - Single)

- Added SC3 property TActiveMapBullet.VelY (read only - Single)

- Modified SC3 type TOnKillEvent declaration to procedure(Killer, Victim: TActivePlayer; BulletID: Byte)

- Modified SC3 type TOnTCPMessageEvent declaration to procedure(Ip: string; Port: Word; Message: string)

- Modified request game log line from "IP:PORT requesting game..." to "IP:PORT|HWID requesting game..."

- Modified SC3 procedure name TActivePlayer.Forward altered to TActivePlayer.ForwardTo

- Modified SC3 type TOnRequestEvent declaration to function(Ip, Hw: string; Port: Word; State: Byte; Forwarded: Boolean; Password: string): Integer

- Modified SC3 type TOnDamageEvent declaration to function(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Integer; Bullet: TActiveMapBullet): Integer

- Fixed DrawText result does not hide after server change #562

- Fixed TOnWeaponChangeEvent does not hold valueable data #582

- Fixed TActiveObject's Style is 0 (Flags) #584

- Fixed TPlayer.OnFlagDrop Flag.ID can't be accessed or duplicates #585

- Fixed Player.Alive := FALSE deals damage (doesn't always kill) #586

- Fixed MovePlayer causes players to drop weapons and flags randomly #142

- Fixed MovePlayer randomly kills and respawns player #247

- Fixed Server refuses client if MovePlayer is used on connection #587

- Fixed SC3 TMapObject.Style results to be the same as in wiki

- Fixed SC3 using Game.OnRequest crashes server

- Fixed SC3 Variable Game.VotePercent is always set up on 0 #532

- Fixed SC3 Player.Ban always bans for 0 minutes #576

- Fixed OnVoteMap/OnVoteMapStart events are not working as intended #550

- Fixed SC3 - OnWeaponChange does not provide changed weapon information #577

- Fixed SC3 - TPlayer.OnKill/TPlayer.OnDamage - WeaponType is unpredictable #356

- Fixed TActivePlayer.BigText with layer 0 causes WriteConsole behaviour #400

- Fixed SC3 StrToDate doesn't work as intended #401

- Fixed /recompile hangs up admin client #578

- Fixed SC3 Strange RayCast values when walking "into" the wall #395

- Fixed DELMAP crashes server #410

- Fixed command delmap to also check for first map on mapslist

- Fixed SC3 some server crashes after unhandled exception

- Fixed SC3 some function results could be ignored in some cases

Normal mode weapon changes:

Deagles fireinterval +1

HK MP5 push +1

Steyr push +1

Spas push +1

M79 push +30

Minigun dmg -1

Socom dmg +1

LAW push +20

Realistic mode weapon changes:

HK MP5 spread +1

Ruger dmg +2

Map changes:



Download Soldat 1.6.8

Soldat desde 2002 provendo diversão e jogatina online.

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