Revelados os achievements para Dark Souls 2

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Vão desbloquear um deles assim que morrerem pela primeira vez.

A lista completa de conquistas para Dark Souls 2 foi revelada no Exophase.

Uma das conquistas que vão desbloquear imediatamente, quase de certeza, é o "This is Dark Souls". Assim que morrerem pela primeira vez desbloqueiam esta conquista e receberão 10 pontos.

Também há conquistas para reforçarem uma arma até ao seu limite e aprenderem todos os gestos, feitiços, feitiços de "Pyromancy" e milagres. As restantes conquistas são potenciais spoilers, revelando alguns dos bosses que vão enfrentar e itens que poderão encontrar.

Dark Souls 2 será lançado a 14 de março.

[spoiler=Spoiler: Lista de Achievements]

  1. The Dark Soul
  2. Earn all achievements
  3. Self Recollection
  4. Reclaim flesh and set out as an Undead
  5. King's Ring
  6. Acquire the King's Ring
  7. Ancient Dragon
  8. Acquire Ashen Mist Heart
  9. The Heir
  10. See the ending
  11. Last Giant
  12. Defeat the Last Giant
  13. Sinner's Bonfire
  14. Light the primal bonfire in Sinner's Rise
  15. Iron Keep Bonfire
  16. Light the primal bonfire in the Iron Keep
  17. Gulch Bonfire
  18. Light the primal bonfire in the Black Gulch
  19. Brightstone Bonfire
  20. Light the primal bonfire in Brightstone Cove Tseldora
  21. Giant Lord
  22. Defeat Looking Glass Knight
  23. Vendrick
  24. Defeat Vendrick
  25. Supreme Weapon
  26. Reinforce a weapon to its limit
  27. Gesture Maestro
  28. Learn all gestures
  29. Master of Sorcery
  30. Learn all sorceries
  31. Master of Miracles
  32. Learn all miracles
  33. Master of Pyromancy
  34. Learn all pyromancies
  35. Master of Hexes
  36. Learn all hexes
  37. Brilliant Covenant
  38. Discover a most brilliant covenant
  39. Protector Covenant
  40. Discover the covenant of the protectors
  41. Sanguinary Covenant
  42. Discover the covenant of the bloodthirsty
  43. Covenant of the Meek
  44. Discover the covenant of the meek
  45. Gnawing Covenant
  46. Discover the covenant of rodents
  47. Clangorous Covenant
  48. Discover the clangorous covenant
  49. Covenant of Ancients
  50. Discover an ancient covenant
  51. Covenant of the Fittest
  52. Discover the covenant of the fittest
  53. Abysmal Covenant
  54. Discovery the abysmal covenant
  55. Selfless Giver
  56. Max-out devotion to covenant
  57. Curious Map
  58. Light all flames on the map in Majula
  59. Change of Clothes
  60. Give Rosabeth of Melfia something to wear
  61. Gathering of Exiles
  62. Increase the population of Majula
  63. Moonlight Greatsword
  64. Inherit Benhart of Jugo's equipment
  65. Holder of the Fort
  66. Inherit Captain Drummond's equipment
  67. Lucatiel
  68. Inherit equipment from Lucatiel of Mirrah
  69. Smith for Life
  70. Inherit Steady Hand McDuff's equipment
  71. Garrulous Miser
  72. Inherit Laddersmith Gilligan's equipment
  73. Reflections on Disembodiment
  74. Inherit equipment from the head of Vengarl
  75. This is Dark Souls
  76. Die for the first time

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