Patch para Battlefield 4 deixa jogadores indignados [atualizado]

Enviado por Mponto, em

A DICE liberou hoje uma atualização para Battlefield 4, prometendo corrigir uma significativa onda de problemas, que desde seu lançamento está impossibilitando milhares de jogadores aproveitarem o jogo.

Vários problemas, como carregamento demorado, jogo sem som e registro de tiros falhos, foram relatados para a DICE nesse último mês. Mas um dos maiores problemas, os famosos "crashs" (erros que fazem o jogo finalizar no meio da partida) são considerados como prioridade pelos jogadores para que, pelo menos, consigam jogar partidas inteiras.

Porém, aparentemente o patch de 1GB lançado hoje parece continuar a dar dores de cabeças para os usuários. Ainda não está disponível quais foram todas as correções do patch, mas a correção dos crashs prometido pela DICE no fórum oficial, parece não ter vindo nesse patch.

As últimas páginas do fórum estão repletas de reclamações por parte dos jogadores, que estão reportando a ocorrência dos mesmos erros anteriores ao patch. Alguns jogadores pedem para que os usuários ajudem a DICE repassando os problemas, enquanto muitos outros estão indignados por terem pago um valor considerável pelo jogo e ainda não conseguirem jogar desde o seu lançamento.

Resta agora aguardar pela lista de correções oficial deste patch, e torcer para que a DICE lance novamente, o quanto antes, um novo patch para os clientes ou para os servidores, que diminua os erros que ocasionam as quedas nas partidas.

Atualizações da notícia

11hs20min: A DICE informou que será lançado o 10º patch para os servidores, que provavelmente irá resolver os erros que os jogadores estão recebendo após instalar o patch para o PC. O patch se propagará dentro de algumas horas para todos os servidores.

16hs15min: A DICE informou que 2 erros identificados foram resolvidos após a atualização dos servidores, porém vários jogadores relataram no fórum oficial que continuam tendo crashs nas partidas. A DICE pede para refazer o login no battlelog antes de jogar.

16hs35min: A DICE reconheceu que os crashs continuam após a atualização dos servidores e está trabalhando em uma solução para reduzir os problemas.

18hs00min: A DICE disponibilizou a lista detalhada das correções efetuadas no patch de 1GB disponibilizado hoje para o PC. Segundo a lista, várias falhas que causavam crashs foram corrigidas, tanto no multiplayer quanto no singleplayer. Foram corrigidos também erros relacionados a carregamento infinito, várias otimizações para melhorar o desempenho da rede foram feitas, corrigido erros gráficos e de som, além de vários outros problemas relacionados a jogabilidade.

Segue a lista completa das correções [em inglês], clique no spoiler:

[spoiler=Lista completa das correções]CRASHES & FREEZES

  1. -Fixed a crash that would occur randomly during gameplay.
  2. -Fixed a crash that would occur when an object is destroyed.
  3. -Every time that a player exited a vehicle, there was a small chance that the server would crash. This has been fixed.
  4. -Fixed an occasional crash during SP gameplay.
  5. -Fixed a crash that would occur during level loading.
  6. -Sometimes the game would attempt to load a model at the same time as it was being thrown out of memory. This has been fixed.
  7. -Sometimes the game would crash after removing old bullet holes/scratch marks in the world. This has been fixed.
  8. -Sometimes when a player or enemy was sitting in the jeep gunner entry and got killed, his body would rest on the vehicle in such a way that the physics simulation would require lots of CPU usage. This has been solved.
  9. -Fixed a crash occurring on Flood Zone when playing Conquest Large.
  10. -Fixed a common crash relating to surface shaders.
  11. -Fixed a crash on Test Range that could occur when using sniper rifles.
  12. -Fixed a common crash that occurred during map transition.
  13. -Fixed a crash that occurred when bringing up Battlescreen in-game on the Test Range.
  14. -Fixed a memory allocation bug that could lead to crashing.
  15. -Fixed a single player crash that could sometimes occur when being killed by AI enemies.
  16. -Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck in infinite loading if you got disconnected while trying to access online content.
  17. -Fixed an issue in single player in the South China Sea mission where the game would crash when idle for more than 60 minutes.
  18. -Fixed an issue where the game would get stuck in infinite loading if you used Win+L to lock your PC during loading.

  1. Eliminated a network sync bug
  2. If you've been experiencing situations in multiplayer where it appears that you are taking damage from enemies through walls, you might have been the victim of a network sync bug. In this game update, we have identified and eliminated one such bug that caused this type of gameplay experience. We are continuing to work on more multiplayer optimizations concerning network performance.
Improved Network Smoothing

  1. We have made some improvements to the "Network Smoothing" functionality that you can find in the OPTIONS>GAMEPLAY menu. The Network Smoothing slider governs a group of settings that aim to produce a tighter multiplayer experience based on your specific packet loss situation.
Removed network lag

  1. In certain specific situations, network lag would be introduced when interacting with objects in the game. This has been experienced by some players during melee combat, when climbing ladders, and when operating stationary weapons. The cause for these specific network lag situations has been solved.

  1. -Removed the scout helicopter at the final base for the defenders in Rush mode on Siege of Shanghai
  2. -Adjusted a Conquest flag position on Zavod 311 that was obstructing vehicles.
  3. -At Hainan Resort in Rush mode, defenders were given too much armor at the first base. We have removed the defender IFV at the first base, added an attacker IFV at the first base, and increased the spawn delay on the defender IFV at the third base.
  4. -Fixed so that there is 1 revive per round Defuse, as opposed to 1 per set.
  5. -Removed all previously placed C4 and mines after a round of Defuse to eliminate the possibility to affect the next round.

  1. -Fixed a minor graphical error on Operation Locker.
  2. -Fixed an issue where the in-game Battlelog would get distorted when a Commander launched an EMP attack.
  3. -Fixed a floating container on Golmud Railway near flag C in Domination.
  4. -Fixed an issue with the minimap in Rush mode.
  5. -Fixed an issue in Obliteration mode where the red light flash and beep sound was not played when the bomb carrier was moving.
  6. -Fixed an issue in Defuse where the bomb model sometimes did not display on the bomb carrier.
  7. -Fixed minor graphical alignment issues in the Spectator Mode camera layout.
  8. -Fixed an issue in Spectator Mode where the spectator's view incorrectly would get distorted during an EMP deployment from a Commander.

  1. -Fixed a bug that occasionally killed all sounds on the server if you fired the QBU-88 with an attached silencer.
  2. -Fixed the issue where pressing B would bring up the console.
  3. -Fixed an issue where the EMP effect lasted for too long on soldiers.
  4. -Fixed an issue with an area you couldn't traverse near one of the M-COM stations in Rush mode on Siege of Shanghai.
  5. -Fixed an issue relating to player skill levels. -Fixed an issue in Obliteration mode where the bomb would temporarily be placed in the sky after the bomb carrier was killed when swimming or in a water-based vehicle.
  6. -Fixed an occasional jitter in the kill camera.
  7. -Fixed so that Russian special characters are displayed properly in the chat window.
  8. -Fixed so that the System Performance Test option is working as expected.
  9. -Fixed a bug where a rank-up message would loop in-game
  10. -Moved a machine gun position on Lancang Dam that was placed on top of a building that can collapse.
  11. -Added sound when navigating the scoreboard in the End of Round screen.
  12. -Fixed a broken ladder in Siege of Shanghai.
  13. -Adjusted vehicle spawn locations on Dawnbreaker in Conquest mode to alleviate traffic jam.
  14. -Fixed a flickering-issue on Siege of Shanghai when using NVidia drivers 331.52.
  15. -Fixed a bug on Golmud Railway where a destroyed house at flag A would block gunfire.
  16. -Fixed a Ticket count issue in Rush mode.
  17. -Commanders can no longer erroneously try to get match-made into a game of Domination.
  18. -If the user restarts checkpoint during the End Scene , he will receive an old objective along with the credits.
  19. -Fixed a destruction issue on Flood Zone.
  20. -Fixed a Rhib boat issue in one of the single player missions.
  21. -Fixed an issue where players would respawn after getting killed and have no main weapon available.
  22. -Fixed so you won't see the emblem of a user that you have blocked.
  23. -Fixed an issue where you couldn't smash through the railings with a quad bike on the Dawnbreaker map.
  24. -Added clickable buttons to the in-game Battlelog.
  25. -Fixed a bug in single player where the player is killed if he climbs after Irish too fast up the ladder in one of the missions.
  26. -Various other minor issues.

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