Age of Wushu libera key de betas ILIMITADO para todos

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No Levels, No Classes: Learn your opponents' true strength by fighting them. Proceed with caution! That beggar on the street may be a traveling Grand Master.

Random NPC Encounter System: Every encounter and event is determined by how NPCs and the game world perceive you. No online guide can tell you what each encounter and quest will entail

*Resumindo jogo e baseado em skills e nao level .

8 Martial Arts Schools: Choose a school to build your craft. Seeking insight not offered at your current alma mater? Invade another to steal their secrets, or befriend a Wushu master for help.

Counter Combat System: Modeled after the traditional martial art, combat rewards those with the greatest skill, anticipation and execution. Never let your guard down!

*8 Escolas de artes marcias

Aerial Combat: Remember Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?

32 Guild Sites: Upgrade each guild site to mobilize and defend what you worked so hard to build.

*Combate aerio no melhor estilo tigre eo dragao

5000 Equipment Types: Unique Wushu ways to enhance your ever-growing ancient skills.

17 Professions: Learn a trade to complement your fighting prowess.

30 Offline Activities: Not online to train? Keep your character progressing as an NPC. A true master never sleeps!

6 Unique Story Lines: Become the protagonist of your own story, not some insignificant bystander.

JOGO E OPEN PVP , NAO EXISTE LUGAR SEGURO jogo perfeito pra quem ama pvp tudo no jogo te leva ao PVP e PVP e PVP sangue!

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