Garry's Mod Update - Gmod 13

Enviado por Anônimo, em

Hoje Dia 24/10/12 Garry's Mod conhecido como Gmod , foi atualizado , Para sua tão esperada versao 13 , com varias novidades e etc, Segue o vídeo abaixo com os detalhes , de um youtuber:

Abaixo uma lista com as coisas novas(clique em Sopiler , para ver) :

New menu screen

Extensive workshop integration

Updated gm_construct

Updated gm_flatgrass

Added bone manipulator

Added NPC biggifier and smallifier

Added player colour customization

Changing mounted content no longer requires a restart

Duplications can now be saved

Duplications can now be published on workshop

Duplications can be spawned on servers

Added new achievements

Added entity driving

Huge load time improvements

Added option to turn off spawn effect

Added option to turn off world tooltips

Added rope texture option to Hydraulic

Added rope texture option to Muscle

Added rope texture option to Pulley

Added rope texture option to Slider

Added Start On option to Muscle

Dedicated servers can subscribe to workshop addons

Fixed physgun mousewheel being unreliable

Games will no longer mount unless they're installed in Steam

Fixed HTTP connection crash

SuperDOF no longer crashes when using multicore rendering

Added Properties to 'C Menu'

Disabled physics penetration warnings

Changed map icons to png images

Fixed HL1 NPCs using wrong gibs

Fixed HL1 grunt droppings

Now uses GWEN skins

Fixed missing wade sounds

Fixed missing crossbow sounds

Spawnmenu categories now tree based and customizable

Can bind actions to ANY key (instead of only numpad)

Fixed stalker model

SuperDOF now renders water properly

SuperDOF shows percentage done

Made gravity gun sounds quieter

Removed PixelRender

New freeze/unfreeze effects

New physgun grab effect

Removing no longer reported in the console

Fixed crashing on invalid sound

Fixed generic constraint crash

Fixed motor constraint crash

Added ingame video recording

Undo's, Unfreezes and Limits no longer print to console

Merged weld and easy weld into one tool

Moved statue tool to properties menu

Moved keep upright tool to properties menu

Face posing now works on NPCs

Fixed weapons not being predicted on secondary fire

Spawnicons are now resizable

Can bind console toggle key via options

Fixed env_projectedtexture attenuation on world error

Increased max carried SLAM

Removed toybox

Fixed spawn effect being ping delayed

Can now change FOV, distance and brightness of lamps

Fixed level change crash after loading bad propdata

Windows can no longer be dragged completely off the screen when windowed

New addon format

Fixed not spawning properly on LostCoast map

Added Dino D-Day to the mountable games list

Fixed "too many indices" error when rendering lots of ropes

Fixed monitors being broken in HL2 maps

Decals no longer remove other overlapping decals

Can now browse addon models on spawn menu

Turn off fullbright when loading a map if it's lit

Removed sv_gamemode, sv_gamemodeoverride

Added 'gamemode' console command

Should now be able to derive from more than 2 chained gamemodes

sbox_plpldamage changed to sbox_playershurtplayers

Fixed double lag compensation errors when shooting glass

Added more spawnable NPCs

Added HL2 Items and Weapons

Added gamemode selector on menu screen

Fixed UTIL_SetModel server crash exploit

Fixed rope_material server crash exploit

Fixed not being able to plug the plug in d1_trainstation_05 Added spawnmenu_border convar

Added sbox_bonemanip_npc (default: 1)

added sbox_bonemanip_player (default: 0)

Added sbox_bonemanip_misc (default: 0)

Added sbox_persist (default: 0)

If sv_alltalk is 2 then voice chat will be heard spatially

Can now pose NPC eyes, hands, face

Camera is now predicted properly and recorded properly in demos

Added physgun_wheelspeed to control physgun mousewheel speed

Added several stock props for tools

Added button animations, models

Added button toggle mode

Added taunt camera

Added custom sky shader

Removed datastream

Fixed errors with Shutdown hook

Added game.AddAmmoType

Added matproxy library

Added GM:PlayerSwitchWeapons( pl, LastWeapon, NewWeapon )

Added Player:IsTyping()

Added TextEntry:CutSelected()

Added TextEntry:CopySelected()

Added TextEntry:Paste()

Added TextEntry:Undo()

Added TextEntry:SaveUndoState()

Added HTML:SetScrollbarsEnabled( b )

Added HTML:SetContextMenuEnabled( b )

Added HTML:SetViewSourceEnabled( b )

Added HTML:GetHTMLSize()

Added HTML:GetHTMLScroll()

Added HTML:SetHTMLScroll( x, y )

Added HTML:SetHTMLSize( w, h )

Added Menu:IsInGame()

Added DHTML vgui control

Added DPanelOverlay vgui control

Added Panel:GetChildren()

Added Angle:Set( ang )

Added Angle:Zero()

Added Angle:IsZero()

Added Entity:SetPreventTransmit( ply, bool )

Added Entity:SetNextClientThink( float )

Added Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex( {{v, v, v}, {v, v, v}} )

Added Panel:PaintAt( x, y )

Added surface.SetAlphaMultiplier( 0-1 )

Added vgui.GetHoveredPanel()

Added Derma Box Selection

Added Derma Drag n Drop

Added DPanelList:SetSortable( b )

Added DPanelList:SetAnimTime( f )

Added DPanelList:SetAnimEase( f )

Added table.RemoveByValue( tbl, val )

Added Panel:OnChildRemoved() callback

Added Panel:DragHoverClick()

Added DTreeNode:AddFolder( strName, strFolder, bShowFiles, strWildCard, bDontForceExpandable )

Added DTree:OnNodeSelected( node )

Added DLabelEditable

Added DPanelList:InsertBefore( before, pnl )

Added DPanelList:InsertAfter( before, pnl )

Added DDrawer control

Added net.WriteInt( val, bits )

Added net.WriteUInt( val, bits )

Added net.WriteDouble

Added net.ReadDouble

Added net.ReadInt( bits )

Added net.ReadUInt( bits )

Added Panel:OnDeletion() hook

Added input.IsShiftDown()

Added input.IsControlDown()

Added Panel:Stop() (stops all animation dead)

Added Panel:Queue() (adds an animation queue point)

Added Panel:AnimTail() (returns system time that the last animation will stop)

Added Panel:Distance( pnl )

Added render.OverrideDepthEnable( benable, bdepth )

Added Panel:SlideUp( f )

Added Panel:SlideDown( f )

Added DTreeNode:GetName()

Added Entity:RemoveAllDecals()

Fixed DButton overriding DLabels SetTextColor settings

Added Panel:HasHierarchicalFocus()

Fixed surface.DrawTexturedRectUV

Added IMaterial:GetColor( x, y ) (only works on png)

Added ITexture:GetColor( x, y ) (only works on png)

Panel paint hooks now get width + height

KeyValuesToTable corretly loads keys as numbers where appropriate

Removed PhysObject()

TableToKeyValues now 162 times faster

Added EmitSentence( strSentence, vecPos, iEnt, iChannel, fVol, iSoundLevel, iFlags, iPitch )

Added EmitSound( strSound, vecPos, iEnt, iChannel, fVol, iSoundLevel, iFlags, iPitch )

GetPreferredCarryAngles gets called on all physics based entities

Added Panel:AddChild( strPanelClass )

Added Panel:CopyBase()

Added Panel:IsChild( pPanel )

Added Panel:InvalidateChildren( bRecurse )

Added DIconLayout

Added DIconBrowser

Dbuttons can now be toggle

Added Button:DoDoubleClick

Console commands receive ArgS variable

Removed DSysButton

Added Material:SetMaterialUndefined

Added MsgC( color, str, … )

Added gui.IsGameUIVisible()

Added gui.IsConsoleVisible()

Added extra check in PlayerDeath

Added Panel:GetFont()

Added Entity:GetNoDraw()

Panel:SizeToChildren now correctly accounts for padding

Added Label:GetTextSize

Added Label:GetTextInset

Added Panel:HasHierarchicalFocus()

Added net library

Added widgets

Added util.IntersectRayWithPlane( raystart, raydirnorm, planepos, planenorm ) (returns hitpos or nil)

Added util.IntersectRayWithOBB( raystart, raydirnorm, obbpos, obbang, obbmin, obbmax ) (returns hitpos+normal or nil)

Entity:IsOnFire is now shared

Added Entity:FollowBone( parent, boneid )

Added PlayerTick hook

Added CMoveData:KeyDown( key )

Added CMoveData:KeyWasDown( key )

Entities no longer have to be in a folder, can be single files (ie entities/ent_ball.lua)

Fixed OnPlayerHitGround hook

Added util.DistanceToLine( vstart, vend, vpos ) (returns fdist, vpos, falong)

Added Entity:SetBoneManipulator( ent )

Added Entity:GetBoneManipulator()

Added Entity:ManipulateBonePosition( boneid, vector )

Added Entity:GetManipulateBonePosition( boneid )

Added CUserCmd:RemoveKey( id )

Added halo library

Added new render hook "PreDrawViewModel"

Lua created Point entities can now be networked ( using UpdateTransmitState )

Added render.GetSmallTex0()

Added render.GetSmallTex1()

Added render.GetColorModulation()

Added render.GetBlend()

Added render.MaterialOverride( material | nil )

Added render.BlurRenderTarget( rt, sizex, sizey, passes )

Removed enums folder

Added properties library

Added numpad.FromButton() - returns true if the numpad callback is being called from a button

Added duplicator.SetLocalPos( vec )

Added duplicator.SetLocalAng ( ang)

Added Entity hook "CalcAbsolutePosition"

Added render.DepthRange( flmin, flmax )

Added Entity:GetParentAttachment() (returns int)

Added render.DrawLine( vec, vec, color, zbuffer )

Added render.DrawBox( vec, angle, vec, vec, color, zbuffer )

Added render.DrawWireframeBox( vec, angle, vec, vec, color, zbuffer )

Added render.DrawWireframeSphere( vec, size, int, int, color, zbuffer )

Added render.DrawSphere( vec, size, int, int, color )

Added Entity:HasBoneManipulations()

Added MenuSystem:RawConsoleCommand()

Lua is stricter, errors more

Added Entity:GetLocalAngularVelocity()

Added Entity:SetLocalAngularVelocity( angle )

Added Entity:Use( activator, caller, use_type, value )

PlayerConnect hook no longer passes IP Address clientside

Fixed wrong bullet collisions on SENTS with custom physics objects [verify]

Added scripted_ents.Alias( from, to ) [verify]

Added string.JavascriptSafe( str ) [verify]

Effects can now be loaded from effects/effectname.lua

Added DMenuBar

DMenu can specify whether they should be deleted when closed

Overlay panels will no longer draw if hidden (!)

Added menubar library

Added menu option checking

Added DMenuOptionCVar

Added Entity:GetMomentaryRotButtonPos( ang )

Fixed security in file.FindDir

Entity:SetColor now only takes a Color table

Entity:GetColor now only returns a Color table

Added system.IsWindows()

Added system.IsOSX()

Added system.IsLinux()

Added system.HasFocus() (windows and mac only)

Added PANEL:SetTabbingDisabled( b )

Added PANEL:GetTabbingDisabled()

Added render.PushFlashlightMode( b )

Added render.PopFlashlightMode()

Added GM:FindUseEntity( ply, ent ) [verify]

Entity:DrawShadow now works on players [verify]

Fixed math.randomseed [verify]

Entity:SetRenderBounds no longer clamped

Fixed UTIL_ScreenShake not working clientside

Added Panel:GetChild( iNum )

Added Player:AddVCDSequenceToGestureSlot( i, i, f, b)

File.Read now takes a 3rd parameter bool. True to read in binary mode.

Overlays now come from the list OverlayMaterials

Added spawnmenu.SetActiveControlPanel( pnl )

Added spawnmenu.ActiveControlPanel()

Added spawnmenu.ActivateToolPanel( tabid, controlpanel )

Removed global g_ActiveControlPanel

Added video.Record( table ) (returns vid object on success)

Added Vector:DistToSqr( vec )

Added Vector:WithinAABox( vecmin, vecmax )

Added Vector:IsZero()

Added Vector:IsEqualTol( vec, float_tolerance )

Fixed players taking damage twice

Fixed some Lua pushing number accuracies

Removed ents.Create clientside

Added ents.CreateClientProp( model )

Fixed Panel Alpha getting reset

Added AvatarImage:SetSteamID( strID, iSize )

Player:SetAmmo ammo type can now be a string OR an integer

Added util.Compress( str )

Added util.Decompress( str )

Revamped file library

Added cleanup.GetList()

Updated Entity:EmitSound( name, ilevel, ipitch, fvolume[0-1] )

Added ents.FireTargets( str, ent, ent, int, float )

Added Entity:SetIK( bool ) [clientside]

Added Entity:SetupPhonemeMappings( filename ) [clientside]

Added util.IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint( vec ) [clientside]

Added AddonMaterial( addonid )

Added render.SetShadowDirection( vec )

Added render.SetShadowColor( r, g, b )

Added render.SetShadowDistance( f )

Added render.SetShadowsDisabled( b )

Added Entity:GetRenderFX()

Added Entity:GetRenderMode()

Added Panel:Show()

Added Panel:Hide()

Added game.AddDecal( name, decalmatname );

Added game.AddParticles( "particles/.pcf" )

Removed ParseParticleManifest

Added Entity:ObjectCaps()

Added Panel:IsChildHovered( iDepth )

Added engine.GetGames()

Removed GetMountedContent()

Removed GetMountableContent()

Added game.GetMountedAddons()

Added string.StartWith( str, start )

Added string.EndsWith( str, end )

Removed GetGamemodes()

Removed GetAddonList()

Removed GetAddonInfo()

Added engine.GetMountedGames()

Added engine.GetMountedAddons()

Added engine.GetGamemodes()

Added cam.Start( table )

Fixed Matrix errors Msging instead of Erroring

Added Entity:GetNumPoseParameters()

Added Entity:GetPoseParameterName( i )

Added PhysObj:GetMesh() (returns table)

Added gameevent.Listen( event_name ) (game event will then travel through hooks)

Added physenv.AddSurfaceData( text )

Added cam.End()

Added DHTML:QueueJavascript( js )

Added engine.ActiveGamemode() (returns string)

util.ModelInfo now provides KeyValues

Added NPC:IsNPCMoving()

Added NPC:IsUnreachable( ent )

Added Ent:GetSequenceMoveYaw( i )

Added Ent:GetSequenceMoveDist( i )

Added Ent:SetHitboxSet( i | string )

Added Ent:GetHitboxSet() (returns i, str)

Added Ent:GetHitboxSetCount()

Added Ent:GetHitboxBone()

Added Ent:GetBoneController( i ) (returns float)

Added Ent:SetBoneController( i, float )

Added Ent:GetSequenceGroundSpeed( i )

Added Ent:GetGroundSpeedVelocity() (returns vector)

Added util.DecalEx( mat, ent, pos, norm, color, w, h )

Added Entity:GetShouldPlayPickupSound()

Added Entity:SetShouldPlayPickupSound( bool )

Fixed crash in ply:ConCommand containing a %

Added Entity:GetPoseParameterRange( i ) (returns 2 floats)

Added system.BatteryPower() (returns 0-100, 255 if on AC)

Added system.AppTime() (seconds app has been running)

Added system.UpTime() (seconds system has been running)

Added system.SteamTime() (unix epoch PST)

Added system.GetCountry() (country code we're in ["US", "UK" etc])

Added DHTML:SetAllowLua( bool ) (allows webpage to call Lua via console.output)

Added sound.Add( table )

Added Entity:GetAttachments()

Added Entity:GetBodyGroups()

Added Entity:GetTextures()

Added Entity:GetBrushPlaneCount()

Added Entity:GetBrushPlane( i )

Added Entity:GetSubModels()

Added net.WriteChar

Added net.ReadChar

Added gui.ActivateGameUI()

Added net.WriteData( str, size )

Added net.ReadData( size )

Added util.JSONToTable( str ) [returns table]

Added Panel:Find( str ) [finds by name]

Added Panel:LoadGWENFile( filename, path ) [loads .gwen designer files]

Added Panel:LoadGWENString( str )

Added engine.IsPlayingDemo()

Added engine.IsRecordingDemo()

concommand.Add can now take FCVAR flags

Added util.TableToJSON( tbl )

Added Player:ShowProfile()

Added player:VoiceVolume()

Added render.RenderHUD( x, y, w, h )

Added SWEP:Tick()

Added UserCmd:CommandNumber()

Player:DrawViewModel( b ) is now shared

Fixed Player:GetCurrentCommand() returning wrong command on client

Added engine.TickInterval()

Added file:Flush()

Added Entity:SetSpawnEffect( b ) (set to true entity will spawn with effect)

Added Entity:GetSpawnEffect()

Added Entity:GetCreationTime() (returns the time was created on server)

Added GAMEMODE:NetworkEntityCreated( ent ) (clientside)

Added Player:SteamID64()

Added render.BrushMaterialOverride( mat )

Added render.ModelMaterialOverride( mat )

Added render.RenderNormalBuffer()

Added render.GetNormalBuffer()

Added render.DrawTextureToScreen( tex )

GetRenderTargetEx now takes an imageformat as the 8th argument

Added render.GetPositionBuffer()

Added render.RenderPositionBuffer()

Added render.DrawScreenQuadEx( x, y, w, h )

Added render.SetRenderTargetEx( int, texture )

Added render.DrawTextureToScreenRect( tex, x, y, w, h )

Added Entity:GetModelBounds() (returns mins, maxs)

Added Entity:GetModelRenderBounds() (returns mins, maxs)

Added Entity:GetSequenceCount()

Added Entity:GetSequenceInfo( id )

Added Entity:GetModelRadius()

Added util.IsModelLoaded( strModel )

Added HTTP( table ) (see http.lua)

Added http.Post( url, params (table), onsuccess, onfailure )

Player:GetViewEntity() is now shared

Added util.Base64Encode( str )

http.Get parameters changed to http.Fetch( url, onsuccess, onfailure )

Added Entity:PhysicsInitFromVerts( verts, bStatic )

Added CMoveData:KeyPressed( key )

Added CMoveData:KeyReleased( key )

Added GM:CanDrive( pl, ent )

IMesh::BuildFromTriangles now accepts "color" members

Added render.GetAmbientLightColor()

Added render.ComputeLighting( pos, normal )

Added player:AllowFlashlight( bAble )

Added player:CanUseFlashlight()

Entity:IsOnFire() is now available clientside

Added render.ComputeDynamicLighting( pos, normal )

Material objects now load and are available serverside

Added sv_sticktoground (stops players flying in the air when running up slopes)

Fixed not being able to set some NPCs on fire

Added HTML:UpdateHTMLTexture() - redraws the texture if needed (called automatically when painting - only needed when using the material)

Datapack system no longer uses dua files

Added numpad.Toggle( pl, num )

Fixed not seeing sv_loadingurl until almost entering the server

AddCSLuaFile now complains if it can't find the file

If AddCSLuaFile is called with no string - it adds current file

Better "Lua Error Dump!" errors

Better "Lua Stack Leak!" errors

WorldSound now takes 5th parameter 'volume' - a float 0-1

timer.IsTimer renamed to timer.Exists

Renamed Material:[Get|Set]Material* to Material:[Get|Set]*

Angle/Vector defaults to 0, 0, 0

Renamed NewMesh to Mesh

Added Player:IsWorldClicking() (shared)

Removed Player:GetCursorAimVector()

Added Panel:SetWorldClicker()

Removed hook 'ContextScreenClick' (now redundant)

Removed hook 'CallScreenClickHook'

Added aspect option to RenderView

Fixed crashes in Shutdown hook

Changed to surface.CreateFont( name, table )

Added OnReloaded hook to gamemode and entities - called when it has been reloaded by auto refresh

Removed ValidEntity( ent ) (replace with IsValid( ent ))

Added hammer.SendCommand( str )

Added game.GetMapVersion()

Added game.MapLoadType()

Added game.StartSpot()

Added Button:DoMiddleClick()

Added steamworks. library

Added DHTML:AddFunction( objectname, functionname, function )

file.Find takes third param - "datedesc", "dateasc", "namedesc", "nameasc"

Added Entity:EnableMatrix( str, matrix ) (str should be "RenderMultiply") (client)

Added Entity:DisableMatrix( str ) (client)

Added Entity:IsRagdoll()

Added Entity:GetRagdollOwner()

Removed glon

-------(2012)Garry's mod 13---------------(??/??)Como será o próximo?-----------

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