[SPOILER] Vaza a lista de achievements de Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Enviado por Matheuslokin2, em

Call of Duty é a franquia mais vendida da história da indústria dos videogames. Não é nenhuma surpresa que qualquer rastro de informação sobre o último episódio da série é considerado "uma grande notícia".

Hoje, temos a imagem de uma tela demontrando o total de conquistas, achievements ou troféus oferecidos em Black Ops 2 . A lista possui 50 conquistas. Tenha em mente que esta lista não é oficial, e a Activision já removeu o vídeo que havia vazado demonstrando a tela de conquistas.

A Seguir as conquistas:

  1. Out of Africa- Complete Angola
  2. Rained Out - Complete Monsoon
  3. Afghan Rodeo - Complete Afghanistan
  4. It's not personal - Complete Nicaragua
  5. Waterlogged - Complete Pakistan
  6. What Happens in Colossus… - Complete Karma
  7. Bushwhacked - Complete Panama
  8. Deep Cover - Complete Yamen
  9. Just Getting' Started - Complete 1 Challenge in any level
  10. Full Ballot - Complete all challenges in a level
  11. GIANT accomplishment - Complete all challenges in game
  12. Futurist - Complete future levels in veteran
  13. Old Fashioned - Complete Angola, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama in Veteran
  14. Too Big to Fail - Complete Haiti
  15. Carmageddon - Complete LA
  16. Pleasure Cruise - Complete Command CTR
  17. Singapore Sling - Success in dockside
  18. Desert Storm - Success in Afghanistan
  19. Defender - Success in drone
  20. Smooth Sailing - Success in carrier
  21. Art of War - Success in Pakistan
  22. Blind Date - Success in Socotra
  23. Family Reunion - Story: Alex Mason lives again
  24. Hey Good looking - Story: Harper Face Good
  25. Back To Future - Use a future weapon in the past
  26. High IQ - Collect all Intel
  27. Good Karma - Story: Chloe hacks terminal USS Obama
  28. Ultimate Sacrifice - Harper survives Yemen
  29. Dead or Alive - Story: Mason kills or captures Menendez at the end of the game
  30. Ship Shape - Story: USS Obama survives
  31. Dirty Business - Story: Link CIA involvement and Krav interrogation
  32. Mad Men - Sotry: Farid and Defalco Duel
  33. The 99 Percent - Stop the brutality inflicted by PDF
  34. Gun Nut - Play a level with customized loadout
  35. No Score Left Behind - Min score 10k in every level
  36. Misc 1
  37. Misc 2
  38. Misc 3
  39. Misc 4
  40. Misc 5
  41. I Don't Think They Exist - In Transit, kill a screecher
  42. You Have No Power Over Me - In Transit, defeat the Avogadro without being attacked by it
  43. Standard Equipment May Vary - In Transit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game
  44. Dance On My Grave - In Transit, acquire your Tombstone
  45. Undead Man's Party Bus - In Transit, Complete all additions to the bus in 1 game
  46. The Lights Of Their Eyes - In Transit, Pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP
  47. Don't Fire Until You See - In Transit, have all doors opened without being set on fire
  48. Green Run Sidequest - Complete the green run sidequest
  49. Fuel Efficient - In Transit, use an alternative mode of transportation
  50. Happy Hour - In Transit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power

EDIT: Vídeo comentado do Hayashii confirmando a informação:

Tradução por: Google Tradutor e editado por MatheusLokin

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