Conheça a lista parcial das músicas presentes em Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

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Game terá músicas exclusivas da banda

A Activision liberou uma lista parcial das músicas presentes em Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. O jogo será baseado inteiramente na banda Aerosmith, colocando o jogador na pele do vocalista Steven Tyler, além de de subir ao palco e assumir também as peles de Brad Whitford e Joe Perry (guitarras), e Tom Hamilton (baixo), ao lado do baterista Joey Kramer.

Confira a lista:

Nipmuc High School

. "All the Young Dudes" (Mott the Hoople)

. "Dream Police" (Cheap Trick)

. "Make It" (Aerosmith)

. "Uncle Salty" (Aerosmith)

. "Draw the Line" (Aerosmith)

Maxs Kansas City

. "I Hate Myself for Loving You" (Joan Jett)

. "All Day and All of the Night" (The Kinks)

. "Movin Out" (Aerosmith)

. "No Surprize" (Aerosmith)

. "Sweet Emotion" (Aerosmith)

The Orpheum Theater

. "Complete Control" (The Clash)

. "Personality Crisis" (New York Dolls)

. "Livin on the Edge" (Aerosmith)

. "Ragdoll" (Aersomith)

. "Love in an Elevator" (Aerosmith)

Half Time Show

. "Always on the Run" (Lenny Kravitz)

. "Hard to Handle" (Black Crowes)

. "Back in the Saddle" (Aerosmith)

. "Beyond Beautiful" (Aerosmith)

. "Dream On" (Aerosmith)


. "She Sells Sanctuary" (The Cult)

. "King of Rock" (Run DMC)

. "Bright Light Fright" (Aerosmith)

. "Nobodys Fault" (Aerosmith)

. "Walk This Way" (Run DMC & Aerosmith)

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