Age Of Empires Iii Patch V1.01

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Já está disponível o primeiro patch para o RTS Age of Empires 3 que atualiza o game para versão 1.01. Essa atualização corrige vários bug de diálogo, jogabilidade, som dentre outros. Abaixo link para download e a lista completa de bug fixes.


- Fixed a bug in the command manager that caused slow performance when CPAIs were in the game

- Fixed a bug that caused sound effects (and sometimes music) to stop playing

- Fixed a problem where unplayed dialogue lines made the Campaign scenarios stop working

- Fixed a bug on the Postgame screen that allowed players' names to be edited

- Fixed a bug where all players would hear the selection sound for HC cards played

- Fixed a bug that kept the ESO connection problem dialog box from closing

- Fixed a bug in the Portuguese tech TEAM Early Dragoons that kept some civilizations from training their anti-cavalry units until the Industrial age

- Fixed a bug that made abundant resources available in the single-player Campaign

- Fixed a bug that did not let the host launch the game once the number of players was reduced below the number that had clicked ready

- Tweaked movement code to improve the responsiveness of units

- Changed formations so that unit types keep their setting even when grouped with different types


- Fixed a bug in the Unresponsive Player dialog box so that it closes once consensus is reached


Fonte: Cyrx - Adrenaline

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