New Xbox event could take place on November 9

#Games | New Zealand's Xbox Twitter says stay tuned for that date

The day before the launch of the Xbox Series X | S, Microsoft will host what appears to be an event. It is confirmed for New Zealand at 11pm NZDT / 9pm AEDT. Whether we’ll see new revelations or just gameplays for the current list of release titles, we don’t know yet. But it's an exciting occasion just the same.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will launch on November 10 worldwide and are priced at $ 4,999 and $ 2,999 respectively. While the former is intended for 4K / 60 FPS games, the latter is aimed at 1440p / 60 FPS. The Xbox Series S does not have a disc drive, making it one for those interested only in digital media.

Microsoft has detailed several titles that can be played on the Xbox Series X | S next month - you can check what are here . Stay tuned for more details before launch.

Fonte: Gamingbolt
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