EverSpace 2 gets a new trailer that shows a little of the gameplay and displays impressive details

#Indie | Game será lançado em Early Access no Steam em dezembro
Allan Kardecem

Rockfish Games has released a trailer that shows a little of the gameplay of its new space game EverSpace 2, and in it we can see impressive details of the environment and effects used in the development. The game will be released on Early Access on Steam in December.

The trailer gives an inside view of the ship's cabin as it flies through various environments. The developer promises immersive systems, giving players the option of playing without a HUD, which will satisfy fans of aviation simulators. In addition, we take a look at the various types of ships, updates and color customizations that can affect the interior of the cabin.

Rockfish Games also announced that the Union star system could be exploited in the Early Access version. This business center opens the game in a number of new ways that excite the team by presenting space cloud formations, storms, destroyed asteroids and other unique environments in space and on planets through locations generated by Unreal Engine 4 procedurally.

Early Access will reintroduce Okkar, an alien race originating from EverSpace, and add two additional classes of spaceships, allowing 5 to 10 hours of gameplay in addition to the 10 hours of ready-made content Alpha.

You can see more details of EverSpace 2 on its page on Steam , where a demo is also available.

Fonte 1: EverSpace 2 no Steam
Fonte 2: Site oficial
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