Xbox Series Wireless Controller White may have released the Xbox Series X release date

#News | In November!
Billy Butcherem

Recently, the image of the Xbox Control White Control has attracted a lot of people's attention.

The hardware packaging, in fact, confirmed the existence of the Xbox Series S, the economical version of Microsoft's next generation, known informally as 'Project Lockhart'.

This, however, may not be the only mystery to be unraveled by the object. The very attentive user of ResetEra, in fact, picked up an additional and intriguing detail.

An instant warning shared on the well-known forum by the user who presumably managed to gain access to Microsoft's next controller illustrates an interesting formulation.

In fact, he reports that the limited warranty offered by Microdoft will no longer be operational on Thursday, November 5th.

A detail that has led many to speculate that this may be the date chosen by the gaming giant for the launch of the Xbox Series X.

What do you think? Do you believe this is the release date for the new Xbox Series? Leave your opinion below in the comments.

The Xbox Series will launch in late 2020.

Fonte: Every Eye
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