Weird West | Raphael Colantonio talks about his departure from the AAA game market

#Games | He is the founder of Arkane Studios, and creator of Dishonored and Prey 2017
Billy Butcherem

Founder and former Director of Arkane Studios, Raphael Colantonio, offered his precious contribution to the birth of IP's that are very popular with the public, such as Prey or the Dishonored franchise.

For some time, however, the author stopped collaborating with Bethesda and founded an independent team called WolfEye Studios.

The new software house did not wait long to present its new project to the public. On the occasion of The Game Awards 2019, the first trailer for Weird West, an adventure with an immersive structure in the style yes, was released.

Set in a Wild West reinterpreted in a dark fantasy tone, the game will feature sheriffs and gunmen forced to face the supernatural element.

Working at Weird West, he says, is extremely rewarding, because he is actually a creature on the development team, born without outside interference of any kind.

Looking back to Arkane, Colantonio reports that he started wanting something different for himself after Prey's publication. Much appreciated, the title generated in him a kind of “creative anxiety”, linked to what would be his next title.

"Besides," he grows up, "Overall, I was so tired that I just wanted to take a break and focus on other things."

"It was really extremely liberating to leave a company that, despite all the love and passion I had for it, has been a part of me for 18 years of my life."

While we wait to learn more about Weird West's gameplay, Colantonio confirms that he has no intention of returning to the AAA Games industry.

Weird West is in development for the Xbox One, PC and PS4.

Fonte: Every Eye
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