Star Wars: Squadrons will not receive improvements on Xbox Series X and PS5

#Games | EA confirms in a new statement
Billy Butcherem

Star Wars: Squadrons is about to be released at the same time as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, but, unlike many other games, it will not receive an updated version for the next generation consoles.

Xbox Series X and PS5 owners will still be able to play Star Wars: Squadrons, as well as many other games of the current generation on their new machines, however, thanks to wide compatibility with previous and advanced console versions.

Unveiled at EA Play in June, Star Wars: Squadrons is a space combat simulator featuring many iconic Star Wars ships, with some notable exclusions.

It will also feature many familiar characters from the Star Wars canon, while presenting its own cast of characters to tell a new story of resistance in time after the events of Return of the Jedi, when the New Republic is recovering.

Although it tells the story through a single player campaign, the main focus of the game will be multiplayer, where it will offer space battles and longer multi-stage fleets.

Star Wars: Squadrons is scheduled to launch in October 2020, with most estimates launching next-generation consoles just a month later, in November.

Despite this, EA says it is not planning to offer a next generation update to Star Wars: Squadrons, confirming earlier speculation that it would only get a release from the current generation.

Motive Studio creative director Ian Frazier confirmed the news on Twitter, saying Squadrons is not getting a separate new generation version, but that its current generation version will be playable on Xbox Series X and PS5, but without any improvement .

While it may be disappointing that Star Wars: Squadrons doesn't receive a sophisticated next-generation review, it shouldn't be too surprising.

The revelation of the game by EA revealed the launch of only Xbox One and PS4, for example. The game also has an affordable price of $ 40, which may indicate that it is not getting all the bells and whistles that a publisher like EA could muster.

Even better for player wallets, EA says Star Wars: Squadrons will have no microtransactions after launch. However, this does not mean that it is a bargain title, getting some interesting features, such as full support for VR and Cross-Play.

Fonte: Screen Rant
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