STADIA's exclusive Orcs Must Die 3 adds weekly challenges and updates

#Games | Exclusive STADIA Challenger

The most exciting Google Stadia exclusive so far, Orcs Must Die 3, is launching its first major update on the platform. Now available to all users subscribing to STADIA PRO for free, Orcs Must Die 3 now includes weekly challenges.

This new game mode, the third available when starting Orcs Must Die 3, challenges players with twists on existing maps. Instead of playing each level as usual, the game can adjust the number of enemies, health / mana, trap budgets and more to make the levels more difficult.

The weekly challenges in Orcs Must Die 3 open on Mondays and close on Sundays with a leaderboard for players to try and rate. These weekly challenges will turn in and out, and while "frozen", players can practice this challenge to hone their skills.

Weekly challenges:

There will be 8 new Weekly Challenges in this update, with more to come!

Challenges are played on existing maps with specific hero and charge requirements. Each challenge is unique, created by changing the main game variables, such as:

  1. Number of waves
  2. Enemies found
  3. Cheers
  4. Manna
  5. Available currency
  6. Health regeneration
  7. and more!

One challenge will be ‘active’ at a time, and challenges that aren’t ‘active’ will be marked ‘frozen’. The challenges will be active for a week, from Monday to Sunday. The game will display the date of the next transition or a countdown if the next transition occurs in less than 24 hours.

When a challenge is active, players can set high scores on the leaderboard. Frozen challenges will also be available to practice or 5 skulls, but their leaderboards will not be updated.

Frozen leaderboards will display all scores set during the last active period. This means that if you are number 1 during the active week, you will also be number 1 during all frozen weeks!

When a challenge becomes active again, your ranking will be cleared and everyone will be able to compete for the highest scores again.

Along with this new game mode, Orcs Must Die 3 is also eliminating bugs in this post-release update. Performance during Endless mode should be improved, several barricade issues have been fixed and the frustrating bug that prevented players from passing through dead enemies has also been fixed. The full changelog is available on Reddit.

As you would expect from Stadia, the update is now available with no waiting time the next time you're ready to play.

Fonte: Meustadia
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