Ray tracing could impact gameplay, says developer of The Initiative

#News | "I'm sure we will see innovations everywhere"

We saw a little bit of what next generation console technologies are capable of, especially with regard to SSD. Ratchet and Clank allows you to move seamlessly from one world to another on PS5, while Xbox Series X helps facilitate the simultaneous dual reality gameplay seen on The Medium. But are there other innovations that are only possible with next generation hardware?

GamingBolt asked Francisco Aisa García, senior gameplay engineer at The Initiative, this question. Are there any graphic innovations that next generation consoles could produce compared to the current generation? He said that ray tracing can be an important factor and that it will be "ubiquitous".

"I'm sure we will see innovations everywhere. What I'm excited about are the things that are built into the hardware to process things faster. All these things you can think of, like ray tracing and the benefits we will see... We have already seen ray tracing , but we have never seen its full potential, because we have never had people dedicated exclusively to building worlds around this technology. "
"And in the new generation, it will be ubiquitous. The teams will work on technology to support ray tracing and how to use it, and I am sure we will present some things we did not expect."
ray tracing can also impact the way you play, you can see reflections everywhere, for example, which can affect how AI reacts because they can respond to those reflexes. Now it's something that you can incorporate into the design in a way that you wouldn't even think of before. How long it takes to see this in a game is yet to be seen, but it can significantly change stealth games. "

The Xbox Series X and PS5 are currently scheduled to launch later this year. Although the Microsoft console will receive new details this month, it is rumored that Sony will hold a new State of Play for the PS5 in the coming weeks. In the meantime, stay tuned for more details.

Fonte: Gamingbolt
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