Quantum Break | Fans found AWE Fragments years before Control was released

#Games | They also created a possible chronology of events
Billy Butcherem

Remedy Entertainment games have been on the rise in recent days, after Alan Wake's return on Control AWE, and the company's announcement that Control, Quantum Break and Alan Wake are part of the same universe, the RCU.

To spice up the subject and the other formal announcement that Remedy is already working on a new RCU game, fans published some screenshots of moments in Quantum Break, which reveal that AWE was already present in the game, as something that there was in the past.

Such events happen around the middle of the plot, when Beth Wilder (played by Courtney Hope), is present inside the Cronun Nucleus, going through countless events in time looking for some way to escape with life.

This factor, made fans raise the suspicion that Beth Wilder is also Jesse Faden, protagonist of Control, and that everything that is happening in the game is one of Beth's visions and journeys in search of saving her original world and restoring the Cronun's core from the clutches of Paul Serene.

Such factors can be taken into account, because also at the beginning of the game it is possible to find a picture of the University of Riverport, where it contains many doodles and words that interconnect that Beth Wilder = Jesse Faden.

This also now leads to the fact that Alan Wake. In AWE, according to the Remedy synopsis, Alan is stuck in Bureau just before he finishes writing his next book, 'RETURN'.

Such a book is also found in Quantum Break, right at the beginning of the game, on a TV that you can explore to learn about the case where Monarch Solutions wants to get rid of the city's Municipal Library.

The mentioned video can also be found below, where it references Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare events, both games from 2010 and 2012 respectively:

What do you think of all this theory? Do you agree with some points, or have your doubts and prefer Remedy to explore all this on its own? Leave your opinion below in the comments.

Control - AWE will be released on August 25 for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. Quantum Break is now available, exclusively on Xbox One and Windows 10.

Fonte 1: Remedy Entertainment
Fonte 2: Twitter
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