Project Cars 3 | Check out the Notes that the game has been receiving

#Games | Welcome to the Racing.
Billy Butcherem

Headed by the directors of DriveClub on PS4, the new game from Slightly Mad, second this August, is if no other than Project Cars 3.

Being published once again by Bandai Namco Europe, the title is a direct sequel to its 2017 predecessor, and focuses on being a game more open to the public, seeking to please both Simulation enthusiasts and those who just want to direct and have fun.

Check out the Notes he has been receiving:

  1. God is a Geek (9.0/10)
  2. The Gamer (9.0/10)
  3. Hobby Consolas (8.7/10)
  4. The Games Machine (8.2/10)
  5. IGN Italy (8.1/10)
  6. Press Start Australia (8.0/10)
  7. PCGames N (8.0/10)
  8. Hardcore Gamer (8.0/10)
  9. GameSpew (8.0/10)
  10. Press Start (8.0/10)
  11. Saving Content (8.0/10)
  12. Cerealkillerz (7.9/10)
  13. GamesRadar (7.0/10)
  14. PowerUp! (7.0/10)
  15. TheSixthAxis (6.0/10)
  16. Sports Gamer Online (6.0/10)
  17. Stevivor (3.5/10)

OPENCRITIC: 75 (75% Recomenda)


Project Cars 3 will be released on August 25 for Xbox One, PC and PS4.

Fonte 1: Opencritic
Fonte 2: Metacritic
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