PlayStation 5 will have a big announcement this month

#Games | Will price or release date be revealed?

The Bloomberg website says a PlayStation employee, who remained anonymous, explained that Sony plans to "tentatively" make its next announcement in August.

It is not clear when this announcement will occur, or what will be. That said, it seems likely that the announcement will focus on the console's price and release date, which remain the main unknowns surrounding the PS5 (and its competitor Xbox Series X).

This would fit Sony's recent statement that pre-orders for the console will not be a surprise, which means that it is possible that the next announcement will serve as an alert for the opening of pre-orders.

Eric Lempel, worldwide director of marketing, said earlier: "I think it's safe to say ... we will inform you when the pre-order will take place. This will not happen with prior notice. We will, at some point, inform you when you can order the PlayStation 5 So don't feel like you have to go out and line up anywhere until you get an official warning of how it will work. "

Whatever this announcement is, it will not be part of the August 6 State of Play.

Fonte: IGN
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